new home is a blank canvas; you get the opportunity to transform each and every
room into a personality filled space that you'll adore. Whether you're tired of
your old space or you're moving into a new one, decorating it is imperative to
adding coziness and charm. Try changing up large aspects of your home along
with incorporating small details, for the best results.
Making Big Changes :
Paint your walls. - If you live in a rented space, this might not be an option for you. However, if you’re able to, painting the walls in your house can be one of the quickest ways to freshen up the look and add a bit of interest. Choose a color that complements your personality and fits your space. If you’re bubbly and fun, consider a golden yellow or bright green. Calm and collected? A shade of gray or blue might be more your pace. Paint isn’t permanent, so feel free to experiment with colors until you find a look you love!
- Although it’s not as in style as it used to be, you can apply wallpaper on an accent wall to add a bit of pattern, if you want. There are even wall decals that act like wallpaper but are removable, if you’re afraid of the permanence of it.

Try out new furniture.
- Furniture is arguably the most important aspect of decorating; if you’re short on furniture or have been using the same pieces for many years, consider bringing some new furniture into your home. Choose comfortable pieces in colors and styles that match your personality. Don’t be afraid to try something other than what the store model has set up; furniture that truly shows your personality will fit in your space better than boring floor model furniture you pick up because it is on sale.
- Don’t be afraid to buy used furniture from thrift stores; it is easy to repaint and reupholster these to match your space.
· Mix and match furniture rather than using only matching sets; you’ll end up with a more unique look, and probably save some money in the process.
Use decorative storage.
- Whether you’re incredibly organized or a bit of a hoarder, nearly everyone has stuff that needs to go into storage. Rather than shoving it under a bed or in the back of a closet, try using decorative storage instead. Look for ottomans that store things in their hollow centers, entertainment centers with doors, and large bookshelves and hutches to hold your knickknacks. By using storage that’s attractive, you kill two birds with one stone.
- Cover shoeboxes in fabric or spray-paint store-bought storage crates to create sophisticated solutions to your storage problems.
· Book cases can be used to store nearly anything, aside from books. Consider placing one in your kitchen to hold dishes or in your living room for assorted decorations.
· When you buy new furniture, look for pieces that have hidden storage available.
Refurbish old furniture and accents.
If you don’t have enough money to buy new furniture for your apartment, give your current furniture a makeover. In a kitchen or bathroom, try painting the cabinets a new color or staining them. Use cheap fabric to reupholster your couches or chairs, and try a stain on your floors to change the color. Wood accents (on edges of furniture, the windowsills, trim, doors, etc.) can be painted or stained a bold new color. If nothing else, try moving your furniture into new locations and see the difference it makes on their appearance.

- Don’t be afraid to try several colors spread throughout your home; although you don’t want many different bright colors, painting each room a different color is totally appropriate.
- If you’re not ready to paint one whole room (let alone your house!), try adding an accent wall. This is when you paint just a single wall in a room, typically one that gets a lot of attention, a bright or cheery color that matches your decor.
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